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How can I #GiveBack at CampusWIN Academy?

Yes, please #GiveBack to our sisters from other misters! 

You can #GiveBack at the CampusWIN Academy by: 

  • Being her mentor. Say yes to a CampusWIN mentee! Check if your mentee applicant is a CampusWINner:-) 
  • Sharing your know-how by giving training. We will have a call-out each semester for specific topics. 
  • Posting internships and new hire positions at the CampusWIN Academy group. 
  • Responding to CampusWINners’ emails for informational meetings. 
  • Joining our Adopt a Sister Program (offered 2x per year- October + February- 6 month commitment / meeting once per month) 
  • Suggesting a great partner for the program: we are always on the lookout to offer training with certifications (a good example is Project Management Institute) or tools like DISC to help our younger sisters learn and grow- pro bono is preferred! 
  • Joining the program’s braintrust. 
  • Offering a great case or competition opportunity to this amazing group. 
  • Last but not least- looking up your university’s CampusWIN leader and saying hello!

Since we manage all corporate engagements through our corporate membership or partnership programs, unless it qualifies so, we ask our members to opt for personal contributions to the CampusWIN Academy. 

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