Dilek Ergül | Hayatınızın neresindesiniz?


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Kamile İris Özbek | Geleceğim benim elimde!

Savaştan kaçıp mülteci olarak Arabistan'a giden on çocuklu bir ailenin kızı neler başarabilir? İris'in kendi geleceğini şekillendirme hikayesini mutla...

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Fatma B.Aymaz | Baba, ben Mars'a gideceğim!

Fatma B.Aymaz'ın Kars'ta 9 çocuklu bir ailenin en büyük kızı olarak başlayan ve Amerika'ya kadar uzanan azim hikayesini kaçırmayın!

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Sandrine Ramboux | Volunteer Intention into Volunteer Action

Sandrine Ramboux knew that if she was serious about making a positive difference, it was only a matter of actually taking the steps to make it happen....

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Bilge Bassani | Finding Strength in Change

Bilge Bassani’s has live in over 20 countries, and the knowledge she has gained along the way has paired well with the spirit of hard work she learned...

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Aylin Gezgüç | How to Move an Elephant


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Gökden İpek Yosunlu | Harnessing the Power of Rural Turkey

When Gökden İpek Yosunlu went on a casual walk with her mother in her hometown of Mersin, Turkey, she never imagined she was about to stumble on an id...

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Sema Yakar | Değişim Senle Başlar!

Kalıpların, beklentilerin içinde hapsolmuştum, diyor Sema Yakar. Kendini tanıma hikayesinde içinizdeki soruların cevabını bulacaksınız.

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Aslıhan Özcan | Art Therapy: Finding Connections through Colors

This is her journey of self-expression, belief, and finding meaning in life. After years of studying psychology, but finding passion in art and color,...

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Yörük Kurtaran | Let’s Rethink Turkey’s Youth

Yörük Kurtaran wants people to understand the difficulties facing Turkey’s youth today, and asks, why are we still talking about young people today?

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