Meet A WINner: Elvin Yılmaz


We are so lucky to have Elvin Yılmaz in our Germany Circle. We got to know her a little closer below!

Elvin is the Head of Foreign Trade at Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Together with her team, she advises companies on how to open up markets worldwide. She builds strategic alliances with ambassadors, institutions and ministries to expand corporate interests.

She has a demonstrated history of working in the non-profit organization management industry. Elvin is a strong consulting professional, skilled in Policy Analysis, Business Development, Strategic Planning, International Business, and Strategy.

It is a true pleasure to know her closer.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?

The greatest power lies in finding out who you are and never forget where you come from.

One thing you wish you had known earlier in your career.

In the greatest weaknesses lie the greatest opportunities to grow. Never fight against what you are.

What is the most courageous thing you have ever done?

Supporting others to grow.

If you could have any three people (dead or alive) over for dinner – who would they be?

Atatürk, Oprah Winfrey, Albert Einstein and Rebiya Kadeer.

Who are your role models?

Mustafa Kemal.

Name a book you read that positively shaped you.

21 lessons for the 21century from Yuval Noah Hariri.

You believe in sisterhood at work because…

Together women can achieve more than fighting alone.

If you had one superpower, what would it be?

Money and power to give all girls access to education, health and food.

Share a story about a time when you were really proud of your achievement.

Working my way up to middle management as a migrant in an established system.

Share a story about a time when you recovered from a great mistake.

Career and social obligations pushed me to my limit with the strategies I was using at the time. Learning how to use my resources, to recharge my batteries and to be able to give even more was an important painful process.

Your advice to the next generation of career women from your learnings.

Draw your strength from your femininity, your cultural roots and your love for people and nature. We draw the greatest strength from our values.

Do you have any pets?

No even I deeply love animals.

Last book you read or are reading now.

7 languages of love.


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