Meet A WINner: Burcu Vural


We would like to introduce you to our sister Burcu Vural.

We are greatful to Burcu, Director HR for the European Region in British Council and her amazing team for sharing their know-how in every step.

Burcu is responsible to deliver the people agenda for both grant funded activities alongside commercial and income generating activities such as Teaching and Exams Delivery.

She is known for developing and executing agile people solutions across complex geographies. By focusing on culture and capabilities, she partners with the business leads to set up high performing teams. She achieves this through creating effective work environments that focus on transformation, employee wellbeing, creative collaboration and growth opportunities.

Do not miss this chance to get to know Burcu. 

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?

All that glitters is not gold!

One thing you wish you had known earlier in your career.

Assuming a senior role is not about managing the work itself. It is more about opening the way for others and building the relations.

What is the most courageous thing you have ever done?

I quit my job to accompany my husband during his masters in USA. It turned out be a fruitful experience for me as I had my daughter there and also took marketing classes there.

If you could have any three people (dead or alive) over for dinner – who would they be?

Definitely one of them would be my father who passed away. Nothing prepares us for the loss of our loved ones and I still miss him so much especially his advices around staying calm at all times.

Who are your role models?

There have been various role models surrounding me at different stages of my life. No surprises, I was raised by strong Turkish women (my mother & grandmother) who believed nothing is impossible, and a father who believes in chasing the dreams. There, I have always been inspired by family members, friends, colleagues, managers who are a combination of both; achievers and dreamers..

Name a book you read that positively shaped you.

Human nature text books when studying Pschology at the university. Situational Leadership was also a turning point when I approach working with others.

You believe in sisterhood at work because…

Nothing is being served to Turkish Women in a silver plate. We need to overcome too many obstacles to make our dreams come true especially in the workplace. I always try to help my sisters as far as I can so that they enjoy that silver plate at least for once!

If you had one superpower, what would it be?

My favorite superhero is the Elastigirl character in the Incredibles. I'd love to get her superpowers around elasticity in her body parts and with a superspeedy motorbike to keep up with the time across multitasking.

Share a story about a time when you were really proud of your achievement.

When I saw my Turkish sisters also took leadership roles in my organisation as I was able to open the way for others..

Share a story about a time when you recovered from a great mistake.

Mistakes could happen and contributes your development only if you learn from your experience.

Your advice to the next generation of career women from your learnings.

Make sure you take a break before giving up. Invest in building relationships as its all about managing those other than doing the work itself.

If you weren’t in your industry – what would you be doing?

I would definitely be in the world of Brand Management!

What’s on your playlist right now?


What's your favorite thing in your closet right now?

Sneakers! I think they rootlessly replaced our high heels!

How did you overcome the glass ceiling?

Never take the negative feedback personal!

How do you keep your growth mindset going?

Whenever I come across with a barrier I always ask "so what".


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