MentorWIN Updates


MentorWIN is certainly changing each year with the guidance of our advisors and circle leads. We met for the MentorWIN 4.0. workshop on June 13th to reflect and plan ahead! Stay tuned for new ideas and fabulous improvements to the program. This year, we had more than 150 mentoring matches, what a year! We thank our amazing mentors, 142 amazing women, and our mentees for taking the time for a wholehearted journey to learn and grow with another amazing woman.

Our reverse mentoring program pilot with five CampusWINners is a success! We will increase the number of our reverse mentors and roll out this program at full scale. To become a mentor or mentee, please reach out to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our EBRD Women in Business Mentoring Program partnership is nearing its final phase this year. After managing this program for three years and 80 matches later, we are proud of the impact we all made on participating women entrepreneurs. A huge thanks goes to our mentors, partners and fabulous program team. Thank you!

The EBRD Women in Business Program works with women-led small and medium-sized businesses from many different sectors. From accessing finance to business advice, the program can help you gain the skills, knowledge, and resources you need to take the next step. You can learn more about the program here. As TurkishWIN, we are the program’s Women in Business Mentoring partner in Turkey.

For newcomers, the TurkishWIN mentoring program matches TurkishWINners with peer-to-peer, senior-to-junior, Diaspora-Turkey, or local-local mentor/mentee connections. We recommend that our matched mentors/mentees have at least 6 meetings in this six months long program and meet more frequently in the first couple of months. After six months, you will decide whether to continue or end the program. If you want to become an active contributor to our mentoring circle or share ad-hoc ideas or suggestions, please drop us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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TurkishWIN is a global community of women with cultural, professional or family ties to Turkey. We network for change. Sign up to hear about our updates or join an event as our guest in your city.

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