MentorWIN Update


As we welcome the Spring, we would like to update you on the latest mentoring program updates.

First of all, we thank our mentors and mentees who are participating in our mentoring program and a wholehearted journey with another amazing woman. THANK YOU! We have reached more than 350 mentoring matches with over 160 mentors in our sisterhood network.

As you know, we are the proud partner of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development's (EBRD) Women in Business Mentoring Program since 2015. As the program's mentoring partner, we have matched 80 women entrepreneurs from 15 different cities across Turkey with amazing mentors from the TurkishWIN network. The results inspire us!

We have recently and successfully concluded the Avon Mentoring Program where we matched Avon Area Sales Managers with female university students who would like to pursue a career in sales. We have completed 15 matches in different cities including Antalya, Aydın, Urfa, İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir and Kayseri. Our reverse mentoring pilot with five CampusWINners is on its way. We cannot wait to roll it out to the entire TurkishWIN membership.

We are thrilled and so proud to announce that the TurkishWIN Mentoring Program has been accredited by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC). EMCC exists to develop, promote and set the expectation of best practice in mentoring and coaching across Europe and beyond. We thank our mentors and mentees who have helped us improve our program with continuous feedback. A special thanks goes to RNA Change Management for the guidance and support. This accreditation, like everything else at TurkishWIN, is a result of our collective sisterhood in action.

For newcomers, the TurkishWIN mentoring program matches TurkishWINners with peer-to-peer, senior-to-junior, Diaspora-Turkey, or local-local mentor/mentee connections. We recommend that our matched mentors/mentees have at least 6 meetings in this six months long program and meet more frequently in the first couple of months. After six months, you will decide whether to continue or end the program.

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TurkishWIN is a global community of women with cultural, professional or family ties to Turkey. We network for change. Sign up to hear about our updates or join an event as our guest in your city.

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