CampusWIN Academy Day on Creativity @Allianz Turkey


Creativity is one of the top ten skills, according to the World Economic Forum, that we need to thrive in 2020 This month we explored this skill at Allianz Turkey with the following program:

09.30-10.00 Breakfast & Networking

10.00-10:30 Creativity as a Lifestyle, Derya Tamdoğan, System Development& Reporting Manager, Allianz  

10:30-11:00 Codes of Creativity, Murat Toz ,Digital Media Manager, Allianz

11:00-12:00 CampusWIN Committee Presentations

12.00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-14:00 TurkishWIN & BinYaprak Updates

14:00-14:30 Company Visit

14:30- 15:30 Game Play with “Toplumsal Eşitlik Kiti” by Öğrenme Tasarımı

Mornings are the best at CampusWIN Academy Days. We catch up with our sisters!

In the Masters’ Talks, we met the most interesting and creative leaders at Allianz Turkey. Derya Tamdoğan is the system development and reporting manager. She shared her magic formula about “Creativity as a Lifestyle.”  She encouraged us to tap into our power within: “Every person has creativity. You should find what’s inside.” Her career journey and innovative initiatives were inspiring for all of us. A high energy discussion with Murat Toz, digital media manager, and Özlem Mutlu, sustainability officer, followed.  Murat’s background is in digital media and his projects are super interesting: Allianz Motto Music is one of those! Murat and Özlem encouraged us to be authentic in our expression and adventures. We laughed, learned and reflected.

After the Masters’ Talks, our rock star CampusWIN Committees presented their updates. The TurkishWIN and BinYaprak teams shared with us updates on upcoming projects. We loved loved loved the new CampusWIN logo. Our new social media accounts are in the works! Stay tuned…

And finally, it was time for the company visit – we love this experience! Every floor has a special color and concept at Allianz Turkey. We visited three floors- yellow, blue and purple. The blue floor is inspired by a sailing concept. The fun floors, pillows and all the accessories are in blue! The purple inspired by golfing and offers mini-golfing experiences! You get the drift. By the way, the company has a fitness center inside the office space- very cool.  You would have no excuse to skip the gym. The corporate culture of Allianz and her open expression can be felt walking down the halls.  We loved the creative vibe in the office and Allianz leaders. Thank you for hosting us today!

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Our final activity was to play the “Toplumsal Eşitlik” game by Öğrenme Tasarımı. We formed two groups and were led into a discussion on gender equality in a fun and creative way! We shared words and experiences. We do not want to give away the fun, but you should play it for an open discussion in diverse team- in business, student club or with family.

If you are a member of the CampusWIN sisterhood, you are lucky to enjoy all this learning and networking in one day! If you would like to join us, you can always apply to join our volunteer team first and then get nominated to join the CampusWIN Academy Program. If are a first- or second-year university student, hurry up!! We are one less without you.

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